Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Secret Doesn't Mean Ignore the Truth. Embrace the Paradox.

The Secret doesn’t mean ignore the truth. Maybe they (The Secret, Inc.) haven’t clarified the importance of using negative emotions and experiences as useful information to make a real change. I feel that our greatest failures are our greatest gifts. I feel that The Secret did show that if you focus on negative aspects of your personal life like debt and frustration, those will expand. If you focus on how sick you are and how your life isn’t fair, that will create more of the same. That is true and very useful. Perhaps The Secret II will show how “hitting bottom” is the greatest gift b/c it opens our eyes to the truth and forces us to change. We should always be searching for where mishaps and mistakes can happen, that way we can prevent them. The Secret does not talk about that.

Although no one in their right mind would ignore cancer treatments, there is a growing and vast body of scientific data built in the last 5-10 years that is proving an extremely strong mind-body connection. That is now undeniable. So, if you want health, meditate on health. If you want a heart attack and cancer, act angry, frustrated, and ungrateful. This has been scientifically proven. A scientific article in the paper yesterday stated that people who are ungrateful and think “Life isn’t fair” are at something like a 60% increased risk of a heart attack. That’s huge. If we were talking about a drug doing that, it would be a huge effect. A “Gratitude Attitude” is perhaps the single best thing you can do for your health, along with social support, exercise, and weight loss.

The great thing about healing visualizations, relaxation breathing, and social support is that it is free! These are extremely strong statistically proven factors related to health. So ignore them at your own peril.

Does that mean someone who gets cancer, for example, was lacking in some relaxed, spiritual sense? No. Sometimes free radicals just mess with our cells and we get cancer through no fault of our own thoughts or deeds. However, now the scientific consensus is that YES, You Can Give Yourself Cancer/Heart Disease, etc.

There is a wonderful scientific business book called Good to Great, by Jim Collins that Harry’s company lives by. In it are the most important factors common to “Great” companies. (However, these factors are human factors that can and should be applied to individual greatness.) The most important one is humility. Another one of the important success factors is called The Stockdale Paradox, read about it here.

Read it and weep! Live every day like it is your last.

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