Saturday, May 05, 2007

Bedier: Media Distort Islam

RE: Bedier: Media Distort Islam

Bedier claims that suicide bombers act on political motivations, not necessarily in the name of Islam, as the killers say. However, in the Islamic world, ideally there is no separation of church and state. The truest submission to Allah is to align all religion and politics in an Islamic world.

Suicide bombers are almost always Islamic fundamentalists and Islam, by its inherent nature, encourages fundamentalism. Christians have their share of fundamentalist abortion clinic bombers, but fortunately, the Christian fundamentalists do not have control of politics, the law, and the state.

Bedier is wrong when he says, “There’s nothing in our faith that says it’s okay to kill anyone.” The Quran 2:191-2 says, “Kill disbelievers wherever you find them.” Muslims are indeed killing people in the name of Allah and the media is simply reporting this fact.

Muslims are teaching their sons to bring honor to their family and to Islam by making the ultimate sacrifice. Stop blaming the media and take responsibility: When Muslims stop blowing people up in the name of Islam, then we will stop thinking of Muslims as fundamentalist killers of all who are not like them.

Published Letter to the Editor in the St. Pete Times:
See Known by their acts here:


Unknown said...

A response in the St. Pete Times today:

(see All extremists are not followers of Islam)

Unknown said...

I also found another comment on the original St. Pete Times site:

by jes 05/11/07 11:47 AM

Let's add the word "YET" to Amy's post, it needs to go at the end of her sentence that says "...the Christian fundamentalists do not have control of the law and the state." To keep America free, we must be keep church/state separate.

I agree completely!
