Thursday, August 30, 2007

On the Necessity of War

Philosopher Alan Watts once wrote, "the friendly enemy (is) the necessary adversary who is part of life" (Watts, A., 1966). Watts advised that a smart ruler would choose their enemies wisely. Because of the necessity of an adversary, what is optimal is a weak, stable, long-term enemy. We depend on enemies and outsiders to define ourselves and unite our community.

Because humans have evolved in the context of their social groups, humans may have inherited an "Us vs. Them" mentality that is locked in the structure of our brains. My theory is that over the course of human evolution, there was a survival advantage for those who were vigilant warriors; venturing out to find and vanquish hiding invaders, coordinating the strongest for raids, and trying to return victorious. For thousands of years these in-group/out-group violent social patterns were likely to grant a survival advantage over more laid-back early humans.

The "good-us/evil-them" mentality was etched into our brain structure and is still determining our thinking patterns today. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam (2007) found that the greater the diversity in a community, the less trust they feel towards their neighbors. We are left with the legacy of the paradigm for hatred towards outsiders.

Funny Fabric!

Funny Fabric! All Matter Is Part of the Fabric of Space-Time

I think a lot of our lack of understanding of the universe comes from our brains having a hard time with the fact that all of everything, all matter both quantum and macro, are part of the fabric of space-time. Here's one example: Anytime you walk across the room, you are actually changing the fabric of space-time itself.

See, it’s hard to grasp, isn't it? The fact that we instinctively think we are separate is why we still can't get our minds around how traveling at close to the speed of light would make us almost infinitely massive and draw time to a stop.

If we really could see ourselves as OF the fabric of space-time, we would see that going so fast would do funny things to the fabric. (Good thing the space-time fabric doesn't rip as easily as my sewing fabric.) So everything that's moving, from the smallest electron to the largest star is pulling the fabric around, as it IS the fabric. These fabric tugs are maybe why matter is so interconnected.

So you are not traveling through space in your rocket. There is no such thing as traveling Through space. You are one with the space-time fabic and the fabric is letting you fall into a little groove b/c your rocket has that much energy to make one (a groove in the fabric).


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Carpe Diem

I was showed this to me today and we thought it was pretty good. It's too bad we are not conscious of this point more often...especially in America it seems. The voice-over is Alan Watts and the production/animation is by Trey and Matt of South Park fame.

Carpe Diem


Music and Life - Alan Watts

Another good one: Prickles & Goo

Lofty ideas: stats on kids

Some thoughts…

4 out of 10 babies are born to unwed mothers. 20% of American children live in poverty.

Our children sure are lucky!

We need to plan on ways to neutralize the effects of these grim stats. Also, we need to change our society so these stats go down drastically. Women need to draw a line in the sand and say, “We’re not gonna take it anymore.” If it weren’t for women, nobody would be born. We have the power to make these changes.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Obama on the Daily Show (8/22/07)

In case you missed it...
Senator Barack Obama on the Daily Show from 2 nights ago:

Immigration Solution

Snooping for illegals, building fences, and turning immigrants over to immigration officials after they are found out in an emergency room is like inviting your friends to Disney World but then taking them to jail. We need to take responsibility for the fact that we ask these people to come here.

If Americans do not want illegal immigrants here, Americans must stop hiring illegals. Instead of going after poverty-stricken Latinos with their families torn apart living in daily fear and squalor so they can do jobs citizens don't want, why not have enforcement resources go towards stopping the hiring of illegal immigrants in the first place? If you do not hire them, they will not come.

Spineless Congress

The problems with no-bid contracts and lobbyists are very much related to a larger pattern of overly influential corporate power in our government. It is the job of the congress to apply the check on this corruption; however, congress would rather take the corporate money than uphold the constitution. The reason for the extremely low approval rating for the congress now has everything to do with the spinelessness of the congress to not stand up to power plays and represent the best interests of the people.

The founding fathers were counting on the congress to be true conduits for the people and check unwieldy power. Our first government was so decentralized in its power and so diffused out towards the populace that it crumbled.

Not only do the congressmen not read the whole bill they are voting on, but they also do not understand the basic tenets of the constitution. This pervasive and stifling ignorance has a few notable exceptions, with Barack Obama being one of them. Because Obama had to teach Constitutional Law, he seems to fully appreciate the sacredness of the constitution and the founding fathers' intent on checks to power. Obama has literally put his money where is mouth is and is our greatest hope on reclaiming some of our own government.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Co-Parenting Research

I heard this this morning thought it was interesting. Its about parenting and how important it is to communicate and share each others expectations when it comes to the kids. I wonder how many marriages involving parents could be saved if only they would learn to communicate effectively and to manage each other's expectations about parenting.


University Beat:

Topic: Co-Parenting Research Update
August 19, 2007

Add thousands of hours of interviews and observations accumulated over eight years, a pair of grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Development, and a dedicated USF alum, and you get "Charting the Bumpy Road of Coparenting." The new book, written by Dr. James McHale, the director of the USF Saint Petersburg Family Study Center, collects his ground-breaking research into coparenting—the support that parents provide one another in raising their children—and what happens in both good and bad coparenting situations.

Audio icon Listen now (2.5 minutes)


Sunday, August 19, 2007

What's New in Philosophy of Science?

RE: What's New in Philosophy of Science? by Bora Dogan 2002

The first part is good. But the theory of evolution helps scientists "predict or EXPLAIN" all the time.

Evolution is one of the most prolific theories ever discovered. Evolution explains, for example, why our brains are wrapped in 3 layers with the most primitive in the deepest inside and the most advanced in pre-frontal. If you have a tumor in your "reptilian" brain, I'm especially sorry for you, b/c it can press on your murderous rage button, as it did to the Texas tower

Scientists use evolution to predict/explain the behavior of deviants: There is a whole new literature on certain types of criminals that we now have a good understanding about b/c of the theory of evolution. Evolution also shows that humans not only share chimp traits, but also bonobo traits -- which is why humans have evolved for affiliation to such a great degree.

The super-Christian anti-evolutionists say that evolution theorizes that we are a product of randomness. An evolutionist would never say any such thing. This is a complete falsehood.

Evolution is the farthest thing from randomness b/c God (or the universe or the flying spaghetti monster) created the evolution mechanism such that every living organism would be perfectly suited to his environment and all these perfect-for-their-environment creations have to achieve balance with every other one as a unified whole. Fills you with wonder, doesn't it?

So thank God for humans evolving with oxytocin. Put the stuff in the water supply.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dick Cheney is right

Unbelievable! ...well, maybe a little believable. I do not think this would be the first time this administration has contradicted itself.

Cheney in 1994 on Iraq:

From YouTube:
Video of and interview with Vice President Cheney in 1994 saying that invading Iraq would create a quagmire. (This video aired on C-Span)

Friday, August 17, 2007


Yes. Forgiveness is the strongest point to Christianity. No other religion emphasizes forgiveness to the extent that Christianity does. Before Christ, the world lay dark w/o forgiveness. After Christ, forgiveness bathed the world in acceptance and the true heart and action of love… “I and The Other Are One.”

(If you want a “less is more” lesson, check out Buddhism. If you want a “go with the flow and do not fight the nature of things” lesson, check out Taoism. It is not that Christianity doesn’t cover these topics, it is just that these other traditions do it better. But for forgiveness, there’s nothing like Christianity.)

You don’t need faith. You can just look at what’s in front of you. Christianity comes with a translation need. Luckily you have a symbolic mind that can read the allusions.

Therefore, hell is having to live with your sin. Heaven is being completely one with God. Christ came to show that God is truly one with man, to suffer with man. Through this suffering comes compassion and The Ultimate Forgiveness. So yes, Jesus picked up your tab. It happened and it is done.

Furthermore, anyone who asks God for forgiveness and has worked on his heart is forgiven. That is how the Universe works. Don’t you feel that way for your own children? That is how God feels for you, his child.

I think Catholic guilt can be a problem. God has already forgiven us. You need only to learn how to forgive yourself. Say it with me, “God has already forgiven me. I must forgive myself.” Catch all and any negative self-talk and replace it. Watch some Joel Osteen. Sign up for his free podcast

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Your right, "Rightwingers!" I'm in La-La Land! Why didn't I see it before! (NOT!) ;-)

So the free market is sufficient in protecting us against the Chinese poison-tainted toothpaste, cough syrup, seafood, gluten, lead- and mercury-laced products? If the free market is a few babies/people too late, does that matter to you?

What about monopolies? Do you believe the free market forces are enough to tackle monopoly abuse (like the current oligopolic media industry)? Have you read “The Jungle?” How about when the sausages contain parts of workers’ fingers? Would you like to have little protection from candle wax in your chocolate and tainted meat dyed to look better and, for that matter, industrially-produced e coli spinach?

Would you be in favor or opposed to government-funded scientific research?

Interestingly, I’m in between on the Al queada (b/c of 9-11) issue. I’d support all of what some want and more (choking financing -- #1, energy independence, much more propaganda, winning hearts and minds, diplomacy/reassurance/respect statements – for Arabs and beyond including Russia, N. Korea, and China, allied alliance initiatives through EU and UN, education against the young Arab “entitlement” attitude, outreach, business “boot camp” for “at-risk” young male Arabs, exchange programs, Arabic-speaking secret agent infiltrators, rewards for rats, increasing opportunity for Muslim women, boosting local police – but not Janjaweed --) but I’d also go a step farther with targeted strikes based on GOOD intel. (Sorry Colin Powell. You looked like a total goofball.) That would also mean a better intel infrastructure and with better checks and balances between agencies.

And I’d stop short of say, a war against a country, regime change, establishing democracy from the outside in, destabilizing countries for their oil, loving up to Saudi Arabia, economic hit-men, contracts to friends, babysitting civil wars, looking like imperialist bullies to our allies (and our enemies), denying Geneva conventions, spying on Americans, and ignoring the US Constitution to usurp more Executive powers. I would stop short of these things b/c these activities made/make us the bully that Al queada wanted to punch in the nose on 9-11. I’m ashamed of these American legacies. They are ignorant and embarrassing.

End the war, you spineless Congress. Our kids are put over there and left in the meat grinder. It grinds and it grinds. They are too young and naïve (idealistic) to make a fully conscious decision about their deaths. This fact is shown in brain research. A better alternative would be to increase recruiting the best and brightest into Arabic training at CIA, etc.

Does this sound like a “liberal” position? Do republicans like labels? Do republicans call those who disagree names? Does the President imply that if one disagrees with the war on Iraq that that person not only does not support the troops, but also is weak and naïve to believe the terrorist threat is not great? Does the right claim that if you don’t agree with the Iraq war that you are in “la-la” land, not realizing that the terrorists really want to kill us? Does Fox News perpetrate this lie?

Who in their right mind believes that jihadists don’t want us all dead? The jihadists kill democrats and republicans alike. “Liberals” and “DEMS” know that jihadists want us all dead. Duh. Whether someone agrees with babysitting the Iraq war has NOTHING to do with whether they are nutty enough think that 9-11 wouldn’t happen again.

I’m beginning to think that the psychology of a right-wing, pro-war republican is very different from the average person. They must have a “might makes right,” “I need to get mine,” “there isn’t enough to go around,” “strangers are bad,” “bully or be bullied” kind of mindset, perhaps dating back to their childhoods. They are proven to be more subject to fundamentalist religions, ironically.

My hypothesis: People supported the Iraq War in the beginning b/c they got confused between the Arabic NAMES of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.

Sad, but I believe, true…


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

To Stay, Sign the Petition

Dear Parents,

If you do not want your child moved out of his/her school, you may want to sign this online petition, as I did. I think it is a good deal. The petition states that we want to stay at our school (be grandfathered) in exchange for not needing the bus.

This “grandfather us for no bus” petition is a good compromise. The problem is that busing is expensive, dangerous, and disrupts learning time with the lateness problems. These are genuine problems. The school board figures there would be less overall bussing (and fewer bussing problems) if kids were local. This seems valid: If you want a bus, move schools to the local assigned school they give you. Perhaps this compromise will allow us to keep our children in their schools.

Please feel free to pass this on to all parents and friends of children in Pinellas County Schools.

PS- Take the Bay News 9 poll on the “Would you drive for the school you want?” question.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Quantum Physics of Creation

Math represents our picture. Love, A

Honest Obama

I’ve read Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope, and in that book, Obama talks about his faith. He is very much a Christian. More than I, I think.

My advice is never let fear influence your decision-making… That’s just what people with certain agendas want. Listen to Obama’s audiobook, which is in the library and check out the videos on his website Then, decide for yourself if you would like to see his kind of leadership.

Personally, we like Barack. I honestly can’t believe we’re lucky enough to have a nice guy like that working for our country. We think he’s smart, honest, and can straighten out some of our country’s mess. I love the fact that Obama takes personal responsibility for everything in his life and that he wants politicians, and Americans, to do the same. We can all fall prey to sitting around blaming others for our lot, but the only way to be successful in life is to take responsibility and move ahead to work for a better tomorrow. I think this is the problem for American black communities and Obama and Michelle are a breath of fresh air here.

I don’t see that he is or could be in any way, a Muslim. Watch the videos on the website of his wife. Muslim wives are simply not allowed to speak like that. She makes Barack stop at the store on his way home from Congress and tests him by saying, “There’s no way you could pick out the goody bags for our 5-year old’s birthday party.” He did.

Barack and Michelle met as lawyers in Chicago, got married, live in and help out the black community, and have 2 precious little girls that they are raising Christian.

Barack’s background is very influenced by the “love all kinds of people” ideas of his hippie-sounding, globe-trotting mother. He said the biggest lesson he learned from his mother was, “How would that make you feel?” and instilling the golden-rule morality. He talks about being raised by his maternal grand-parents as a teenager, I believe in NYC… He said he finally started to know that his actions could hurt another when his aging grandfather was saddened by his careless, teen choices. Barack never really knew his father so his grandfather meant a lot to him and finally taught him to feel true empathy.

However, when he grew up, he found that he badly craved the stability of a family and a community that remains stable throughout a few generations. He found Michelle, whose family has never moved. He talks about knowing Michelle’s father, who he so admired and is sadly missed in death. Barack also wanted to put his money where his mouth is and get in and really help people. So he started getting communities together as a “community organizer.” He’d essentially call meetings together for neighborhoods and help them make changes in their own community.

Hope this helps.

Watch this:

Here is some more info into who Barack and Michelle are:

See also:
Makeup's too much work for Michelle
Chicago Sun-Times August 07, 2007

Hi there! One more thing about Obama… That man knows his US Constitution. He taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School. Halleluiah! Because one of our biggest problems today is not respecting the Constitution, particularly with regards to the 3 branches checks and balances and our civil/speech/privacy liberties.

(Gov. spying on its own people and executive branch usurping powers are a no-no.)