Thursday, November 15, 2007


The priorities are all super out of whack. We have unsecure borders, ports, and nuclear power plants, yet we send our young to a grist mill. China actually owns our country and could shut us down, yet we spends trillions of tax payer dollars on babysitting a civil war. We don't pay our recruits or give them a decent hospital, but we use tax payer $ to pay unregulated mercenaries 10X what the army gets. We do not have enough Arabic speakers and translators, yet we wiretap our own citizens.

While we were embroiled in a useless war, India, China, Japan, and Western Europe overtook America in science, technology, and education. We have squandered our legacy of freedom and innovation on war mongering and religiosity to the exclusion of scientific advancements. Western Europe laughs at us b/c have of our people do not believe in evolution, the foundation of almost all of science.

The secret intelligence agencies still do not function correctly together, yet the army sends the CIA recalcitrant suspects to interrogate. Where are the spy satellites and robotic spy planes? Those along with super-specifically targeted smart missiles should almost be enough on the military side of the war on terror. Man on man land wars are so last century. Where is the clever propaganda? Do we secretly infiltrate al-Qaeda? Do we secretly cause instability and create suspicion from within of our enemies? Most importantly, do we see the $ flow and change that to suit us? Do we care about western allies?

Do we try diplomacy? Why haven't we cleaned up Russia's nuclear weapons that are being smuggled out by terrorists by the thousands and sold to the highest bidder? Why can't we calm Russian, N. Korea, and Iran down with surface ego appeasements? They just want their egos massaged, that shouldn't be too hard to do.

Do we care about the constitution or only about executive privilege? Why is Congress spineless to defend constitutional rights? Why do lobbyists write laws? Why are we 'hos for oil? Why do we ever let child molesters out? Why don't we put our best minds on terrorism and profiling terrorism and undercutting it with communication campaigns (what I want to do with my life!).

The priorities are all out of whack. Gov. should get the smartest, most honest, best quality people they can find, get them on the bus, and then let the best decide where to drive it. Instead, we have not so smart people getting people that are not so great, but are "loyal Bushies" on the bus and they driving it around with big war bombs from 50 years ago, pointing and shooting at "bad guys" b/c they've played to many us against them video games.

The real problem with Islamaland is that this is their dark ages. So how did we come out of ours? Those little Italian city-states started more free markets--> merchant class--> democratic processes in the city-states for the merchant class--> therefore translating to reduced power of religion on everyday lives of these people--> disposable income for arts--> arts and science and learning classics advance together--> wealthy banks are now controlled by this new class--> scientific advancement and humanism flourish--> leading to enlightenment ideals of secularism for governance, embracing diversity as benefit, and belief in the rational man. Ok it's your turn.


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