Thursday, November 08, 2007

Diatomaceous Earth


I just wanted to share with you a way to get rid of all bugs of any kind without any toxins. It is called Diatomaceous Earth. It is fantastic for plants and soil, but tears up the stomachs of all bugs. It is made from diatoms or dried up unicellular aquatic plants and animals. They make a silicone-type cell wall. So when bugs eat it, it is like glass shards to their insides.

Right now, I'm using it to get rid of chinch bugs, aphids, and ants. I will wear a mask and put some into the fertilizer spreader to control for chinch bugs all over the lawn. They say to mix it in water to spray for aphids, but I just threw a cupful of dust on the plant and they and the ants are disappearing. I'll probably line the perimeter of the house with it and hope it also deters termites a little.

Very important: Although you can eat DE, you CANNOT breathe it!!! It will tear up your lungs like shards of glass, so wear a mask. Also, if you'd like to "de-tox" or get rid of a parasite yourself, you can take a teaspoon of it mixed with a glass of water. Neat, huh? Just don't breathe it. You can rub it into your dog and you will not see any more fleas or ticks.

Also, we have some flying ants in our house. The way you know they are flying ants and not termites is ants have a squeezed-in segmented abdomen, which ours do. So I sprinkled Borax laundry booster all around my doors and corners and that is working great, too. It is nice to know that there are non-toxic ways to get rid of bugs that really work.

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