Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Impeach Bush and Cheney NOW!

Oh my God! I just finished watching Frontline on PBS; it was recorded so I am guessing it was from last night. The program went into serious detail about how the Bush administration, lead by Cheney and their lawyers, have been secretly and overtly amassing presidential power in unprecedented ways. Of course, we all know this now and have known it for some time. However, hearing the interviews from administration insiders that have been part of and witness to this sacking of the U.S. Constitution and the integrity of our country in general really puts into perspective.

I am now completely amazed that we, as the good people of this country, are not actively seeking the impeachment of both President Bush and Vice President Cheney. I cannot believe we have let these atrocities go on for so long. They duped us all so hard. We must hold our elected officials responsible for letting this happen. Someone needs to take responsibility for what is becoming the beginning of the fall of America and I feel we need to oust the P. and the V.P. now. It is absurd that we have let them get away with everything that they have.

Something I did not know was that one, if not the key player in all of the administration's screwing around is Cheney's lawyer, David Addington. He's been with Cheney for years. He's the man behind Cheney and the legal counsel selling the big grabs for presidential power. He has recently been promoted to Cheney's chief of staff, replacing Scooter Libby.

It's all truly unbelievable. I never thought this could happen to the America where I grew up. I am convinced... Impeach Bush and Cheney now! It is our only hope.

1 comment:

Ministre de L'antipropagande said...

Hi from France !
Elections are running in the Us.
What would you do after Bush ?
If you want to have somme fun and take a look to a french point of view on Bush policy and USA people go to :
the video clip "TAZUNIS" a song from Djamal visible at :

Dealing with USA and the Bush policy with humor and a vision for France.

Clearly against the new world order and putting forward positive values as negatives of united states !
Keep on fighting !