Thursday, October 11, 2007


I was excited to learn the other day that the New York Times has finally let us read Thomas Friedman's foreign affairs columns freely. The St. Pete Times regularly has most of his articles, but it is real nice to have archival access to them.

He had a good one the other day the Times entitled, "Don't Fret: Just charge the Iraq war to our kids" where Friedman argues the necessity for paying for the wars you are fighting. He goes on about how much damage we are really doing to ourselves and future generations by avoiding new taxes and considering tax breaks during war time. It worth a read (as are most of his articles) when you can. I can post a link to it now:

There happened to be another good editorial piece in the St. Pete Times just above Friedman's the other day by Paul Krugman, another NY Times journalist. This one was interesting in that Krugman argues that despite many conservatives recently shunning President Bush, stating he is not what conservatism is all about, that Bush is in fact the epitome of traditional conservatism, much like Reagan. In addition to Reagan, Krugman also compares Bush's true conservatism to Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon. Again, it's worth the read if you have a moment:
(yea NY Times!)

"We want the world and we want it NOW." - Jim Morrison (playing in my head right now)

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