Friday, August 24, 2007

Spineless Congress

The problems with no-bid contracts and lobbyists are very much related to a larger pattern of overly influential corporate power in our government. It is the job of the congress to apply the check on this corruption; however, congress would rather take the corporate money than uphold the constitution. The reason for the extremely low approval rating for the congress now has everything to do with the spinelessness of the congress to not stand up to power plays and represent the best interests of the people.

The founding fathers were counting on the congress to be true conduits for the people and check unwieldy power. Our first government was so decentralized in its power and so diffused out towards the populace that it crumbled.

Not only do the congressmen not read the whole bill they are voting on, but they also do not understand the basic tenets of the constitution. This pervasive and stifling ignorance has a few notable exceptions, with Barack Obama being one of them. Because Obama had to teach Constitutional Law, he seems to fully appreciate the sacredness of the constitution and the founding fathers' intent on checks to power. Obama has literally put his money where is mouth is and is our greatest hope on reclaiming some of our own government.

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