Sunday, August 12, 2007

Honest Obama

I’ve read Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope, and in that book, Obama talks about his faith. He is very much a Christian. More than I, I think.

My advice is never let fear influence your decision-making… That’s just what people with certain agendas want. Listen to Obama’s audiobook, which is in the library and check out the videos on his website Then, decide for yourself if you would like to see his kind of leadership.

Personally, we like Barack. I honestly can’t believe we’re lucky enough to have a nice guy like that working for our country. We think he’s smart, honest, and can straighten out some of our country’s mess. I love the fact that Obama takes personal responsibility for everything in his life and that he wants politicians, and Americans, to do the same. We can all fall prey to sitting around blaming others for our lot, but the only way to be successful in life is to take responsibility and move ahead to work for a better tomorrow. I think this is the problem for American black communities and Obama and Michelle are a breath of fresh air here.

I don’t see that he is or could be in any way, a Muslim. Watch the videos on the website of his wife. Muslim wives are simply not allowed to speak like that. She makes Barack stop at the store on his way home from Congress and tests him by saying, “There’s no way you could pick out the goody bags for our 5-year old’s birthday party.” He did.

Barack and Michelle met as lawyers in Chicago, got married, live in and help out the black community, and have 2 precious little girls that they are raising Christian.

Barack’s background is very influenced by the “love all kinds of people” ideas of his hippie-sounding, globe-trotting mother. He said the biggest lesson he learned from his mother was, “How would that make you feel?” and instilling the golden-rule morality. He talks about being raised by his maternal grand-parents as a teenager, I believe in NYC… He said he finally started to know that his actions could hurt another when his aging grandfather was saddened by his careless, teen choices. Barack never really knew his father so his grandfather meant a lot to him and finally taught him to feel true empathy.

However, when he grew up, he found that he badly craved the stability of a family and a community that remains stable throughout a few generations. He found Michelle, whose family has never moved. He talks about knowing Michelle’s father, who he so admired and is sadly missed in death. Barack also wanted to put his money where his mouth is and get in and really help people. So he started getting communities together as a “community organizer.” He’d essentially call meetings together for neighborhoods and help them make changes in their own community.

Hope this helps.

Watch this:

Here is some more info into who Barack and Michelle are:

See also:
Makeup's too much work for Michelle
Chicago Sun-Times August 07, 2007

Hi there! One more thing about Obama… That man knows his US Constitution. He taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School. Halleluiah! Because one of our biggest problems today is not respecting the Constitution, particularly with regards to the 3 branches checks and balances and our civil/speech/privacy liberties.

(Gov. spying on its own people and executive branch usurping powers are a no-no.)

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