Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Open letter to the UN

I’m writing today because, I, like many other Americans, am sad at my country having to go around the world warring all the time. I’m embarrassed that my beautiful, vibrant country is the bully of the world.

I was hoping the UN would stop the rapes by the Congolese army, Darfur’s genocide of its people, child sexual trafficking in Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Cambodia, and contain terrorism. It’s a shame the UN Peacekeepers do not actually stop these things, leaving a vacuum, that it seems the US military is all too ready to step in.

I’m tired of financing all this war, when the other countries of the world do not do their share to stand up for what’s right. Why should America alone have to foot the defense of the free world’s bill? Western European countries brag because their health care and universities are better and more accessible to any citizen. But they are able to subsidize these agencies because they do not have to subsidize a real military force.

I’m tired of the world community not stopping genocide, of the UN Peacekeepers not stopping genocide, and then the world community gets to point their fingers at brutish America, going to war again.

Why should our young people be the only ones to really fight and die to stop horrendous oppression? That is not an acceptable role anymore for just one country. We are one world and the whole world needs a defense against inevitable evil.

Please consider giving UN Peacekeepers some teeth. Americans would finally take the UN seriously then.

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