Monday, March 26, 2007

Cool Chopra talk...

We had a wonderful evening listening to Dr. Deepak Chopra talk at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center last night. He shared his Secrets with us and mentioned that they are similar to The Secret (the new DVD), but that there is more than one. Still, focusing on just one of the Secrets changes one’s whole life. Thanks to Nana for babysitting!! Are you interested in meaning in your life? I wanted to share with you some of the things we learned:

Your Soul is a Piece of GodStuff
One’s “soul” or “consciousness” is a piece of GodStuff, if you will, that is everywhere in the universe and in you. So you don’t die, just as God doesn’t die. Your “you-ness” is on loan from God to go out and create the universe. You may think you are “you,” but you are mistaken. No ego: You are a piece of God-Consciousness and your brothers and sisters here are too.

You are more than your brain structures. (This particular idea is hard for me to accept being a trained cognitive scientist, but I’m considering it.) Consciousness is within you and everywhere, too. But your soul is certainly not just “solely” in your brain (pun intended). Your ego and physicality tries to trick you into thinking you are you on your own here. Don’t be tricked. You are, scientifically speaking, one with the universe. The science: Your atoms are energy waves that are one with the universe.

We Co-Create the Universe
Your intentions create the universe every moment. Whatever you turn your attention to, you create more of it. Examples: If you are worrying about being late, you will have more lateness in your life. If we are fighting against something, more of that opposition is often created. If you are worrying about getting out of debt, debt is all that you will see for a very long time.

However, if your intention is to create more wealth, you will attain that. If your attention is turned towards promptness, you will achieve impeccable promptness. If your attention is on being more loving, you will have more love. If you turn your attention to spending more time on something, you will achieve that.

Strangely, channeling this Power of Intention and Law of Attraction in the universe doesn’t require “work” in the way we have come to understand it. (This idea is also a bit hard for me to believe entirely.) Channeling this universal energy through the Power of Intention does not require hard work: It does require attention and action, sure. But I am not writing this e-mail. That would be hard work and who wants to do that? I am the conduit through which “consciousness energy” is writing this email. In a way, this email is writing itself and I am just helping to bring about what is already there. Whatever “work” you do, it is not really you doing it. Act as a channel through which the work does itself and you facilitate that.

As Churchill has said, “You create the universe as you go along.” This “we create the universe” theory has scientific basis as shown in quantum physics. Science has shown that the lens you use to observe the thing co-creates the thing you observe.

The Law of Abundance
Other secrets… Whatever you feel and think, you create more of it. A “Gratitude Attitude” creates more abundance. Trust in the Law of Abundance. There is MORE than enough. Always. It’s easy to be humble and unthreatened and happy for others when you know there’s plenty to go around. These are the qualities of the enlightened.

The Universe does not know scarcity. Scarcity is a lie and it is trying to trick you. Don’t be fooled. There is never any scarcity. No Fear. Believe in scarcity and guess what you have? Scarcity.

Have the courage to be who you want. Have the courage to want who you are. Don’t think, “Oh, I can’t do what I really want b/c it is not marketable.” Do what you really want with a little common sense and the path will arrange itself. This is your life. Life is too short not to make it yours. Whose life are you living, anyway? Whose fault is that?

Use the Power of Intention to create more abundance. But the trick is, if you doubt the Law of Abundance, the “magic” ends. Never doubt abundance or the Power of Intention. If you doubt for a minute, stop: Choose gratitude again as soon as possible. You never have a “bad day:” you had a bad minute and you chose to let that influence the rest of the minutes. The power of this positive way of thinking and choosing to feel is that you can hit the restart button as many times as you want at any given second at any point in your life and you will restart your positive path. Don’t look back.

Focus on Good
You are not a “bad person:” you made a mistake or acted out of ego and you are holding on to self-judgment and guilt. The universe (God) has already forgiven you! Forgive yourself and move on to create more abundance and give. Be Forgiving: Along with Abundance and Intention, it is one of the most powerful laws of the universe.

Do not be scared into believing in God b/c you are afraid of hell. That type of preacher is a fear-monger who wants your cash. If you are focusing on not sinning, you often create more of a sin framework: You are setting yourself up to see judgment and sin. When your heart is open and forgiving, you don’t need faith; you can’t help but see God all over the place. If you can see life and goodness at work, you are seeing God.

Also, whatever “static” you are getting, it is because you are creating it. Whatever you see is a reflection of you. The Secret DVD talks about the Law of Attraction: What you put out, you get back: Karma. This is hard to hear. Personal responsibility is painful, but it is the only way to have true freedom over your own life. Every time you complain or blame others, you are not taking responsibility. If you have static in a relationship, flow like a river and don’t resist. More resisting creates more static. If there is nothing to resist, the confrontation falls away.

With that said about you being a magnet creating what you get, sometimes we are just in the wrong place for our own natures. Some of us have experienced this dissonance in a bad work environment, house, or relationship. That environment may not be a good match for us. That’s not your fault, but it is up to you to change your environment.

Final Thoughts
Trust in Gratitude Attitude. Never doubt. The universe (God) delivers every time. Follow your Bliss!

PS- I was thinking about the psychology that caused 9-11. It was violent resentment brought about by an “I’m not getting mine” attitude and belief in scarcity, not abundance. It was easy for the terrorists to let fear rule and not take personal responsibility for their lives. Criminals are created in the same way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Some follow up based on some recent conversations...


Scarcity is a man-made construct. When you look at life in the universe, it is bursting with generative variety just right and left. There is enough food for all of us. There is more than enough love for all of us. There is more than enough energy for all of us to solve our real problems.

One of the problems I'd love to tackle one day is getting good water pipes down in Africa with a good water distribution system running through those pipes. Do you think there is not enough piping? Enough water? Enough energy to solve this problem? Do you think there could be enough of these things under the right circumstances?

I have studied economics and modern economists recognize the man-made nature of the scarcity construct. What of our basic needs is really scarce? Beyond that, scarcity is a marketing ploy to get you to buy more. More modern economic Nobel prizes and work has focused on the psychology behind economics and different notions of value besides monetary, like happiness. Most recent economics and marketing work (mine) has shown that win-win economic and marketing relationships are not only possible, they are much
more profitable. Think win-win.

The anarcho-punk band, Chumbawamba, recorded a song on their 2004 album, "Un", entitled "Buy Nothing Day". It is about a man who, amid his
consumerism and longing to own all the things he wants, is stated at one point to have literally contracted the illness Affluenza, inducing emotional depression and physical illness. After losing all his money on debts to buy more things that he is told he needs, he ends up deciding he does not need to buy anymore and sets himself this goal, to never venture into the high street again. The song ends with a white noise cut and an American radio presenter speaking the words "November 23 is Buy Nothing Day".

In terms of you creating the universe, you need to check out quantum physics. Quantum mechanics provides probabilistic results because the physical universe is itself probabilistic rather than deterministic. Quantum
indeterminacy is the apparent necessary incompleteness in the description of a physical system. The universe is waiting for you to call it into existence. Weird, but true. Poor Einstein, we do have free will after all. You are not a programmed robot. That deterministic idea would make me depressed.

In terms of the terrorists, I'm not saying that we shouldn't make bad people afraid to attack us b/c they fear retaliation. Sure we should. However, on a personal, psychological level, an over-focus on scarcity and keeping score let these guys not take personal responsibility for the fact that they were not princes.

I didn't say bliss out with no common sense. I said Follow your Bliss with common sense. Hugs, not drugs, man.
