Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mama, Don't Let Your Boyfriend Baby-sit

A mother's boyfriend was sentenced to life in prison last week for killing
the mother's 2-year old daughter while babysitting. In another case, Eric
Tate has recently been charged with capital sexual battery after he raped
and killed his girlfriend's 2 1/2-year old daughter.

Mama, don't let your boyfriend baby-sit. Studies show that the incidence of
child abuse is 33 times higher among children living with their mother and
her boyfriend (compared to children living with their biological, married
parents) [Family Education Trust, 1993].

I know it must be very, very hard to be a single mother: It is hard not to
get a break. But, it would be harder to bury your baby who died at the hand
of your boyfriend. Boyfriends are not babysitters. Nurses, let's get the
word out as mom leaves the hospital.

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