Saturday, September 20, 2003

Friday Pirates and Saturday Stitches

About last night... Aim and I made it out on a date to see movie Pirates of the Caribbean. We both thought it was an excellent movie. I'm looking forward to watching again with our boys once they are old enough. Thanks to Mimi (Amy's mom) for babysitting so that we could get out.

Ooooh man. What a day today! At least FSU won the football game today. Our plans for the day were to rest, see my parents (Nana and Grandpa to the boys), then come home, grill out with Marc and his girlfriend (whom we have not met -- I wonder if he'll get married?), and watch the FSU game. Well, it didn't work out like that at all... Sometime after 9:00 AM, Scott (16 mos old) gets his little pinky finger run over by a toy firetruck. You wouldn't think this is a big deal hearing this but believe me when I tell you there was blood everywhere from the poor little guy. So, we ended up spending most of the rest of the day at the emergency room at All Children's Hospital in St. Pete. What a pain! Well, in retrospect it was all probably worth as Scott now has 3 stiches on his left pinky. Fortunately nothing was broken. Besides having to wait around most of the day, we had good people taking care of our little boy.

Scott, if one day you ever read this, I am sincerely sorry you had to endure as much pain as you did today. You were a champ today! I've never seen you so very brave. I hope by the time you are old enough to read this that you do not have much of a recollection of all that you had to go through today. I love you!

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